Research Notes: Data Analysis and Memorable Respondents
Parag Ritchil knee deep in data analysis
Of the lesser known distortions in data collection, the fact that some respondents are simply more memorable than others has, to my knowledge, yet to be the subject of academic study. Perhaps that’s one of our many conceits, that such distortions all come out in the great wash of coding. I already know Tandabhai is not amenable to the deconstructive power of NvIVO. He’s just….Tandabhai.
He must be in his fifties.
He’s handsome, traces of red dye in his immaculate beard. Mark of sunburn on his forehead. Perfect teeth.
Mid-fifties probably; his eldest daughter’s in medical school.
The first time we meet he can’t talk….busy. Busy but smiling. Come back. I take his card. He is oblivious to my performative courtesy in scrutinizing it. He’s already metres away, but the span of his reach confounds the laws of physics as he takes me by the forearm.
His grip is like tungsten, if tungsten radiated human warmth and kindness.
I still nearly drop the card. He doesn’t notice.
Because he’s Tandabhai.
Drags me over to the tea stall and orders, then he’s gone, leaping like a gazelle over the sandy ground.
Late forties??
The tea comes. He’s paid.
“Paragda, is he, like, coming back….?
Paragda shakes his head.
Not today. Because he’s Tandabhai.
Tandabhai obviously can be two places at the same time, but right now both slots are taken.